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In a previous Wiley Post, we have covered how to install Windows from an Android phone victimisation DriveDroid. In this post, we will record you how to Install Windows from a micro SD Memory Card. This method comes in handy where you suffer Windows 11/10 ISO file in but wear't have a USB drive to prepare and establis/re-install Windows from a USB drive.

Can you install Windows from SD batting order?

Yes, you stool install Windows 11/10 from an SD card – that's what this post is intended to show you. You can create a bootable Windows SD card or USB tasteless drive. This is perfect for installing Windows on a Netbook or Tablet PC. Fortunately, most netbooks have an SD Card expansion slot, and all of them hold USB Pen Drives.

How to install Windows 11 from micro SD Memory Card

To create a bootable Micro SD memory card and use IT as the bootable media to install Windows on a Microcomputer, you need to come after the instructions to cook your Windows bootable Micro SD card and so install Windows.

Do the following:

Develop your Windows bootable Micro Mount Rushmore State memory card

  • Attach the Little SD memory notice to your PC either using a constitutional or an outer memory bill reader. Make convinced all data on the memory card is backed up because the memory card will be formatted.
  • Next, use any of the methods (sooner, the Diskpart instrument) in this guide how to format a Hard Drive or Disk to initialise the memory card to the NTFS filing system.
  • Next, climb up your Windows 11/10 ISO file to get a drive missive for the mounted parkway.
  • Next, press Windows key + R to put forward the Run dialog. In the Run duologue package, character cmd and so press CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER to agape Command Fast in admin/elevated mode. In the command prompt windowpane, character the command below and rack up Enter. Where "G" is the drive missive of the mounted ISO file.
G: Cd Boot
  • Once the command executes, run the following dominate. Replace "F" with the drive letter of your Micro SD memory card.
Bootsect.exe /NT60 F:
  • Exit Command Prompt once the command executes.
  • Eventually, replicate all files (including hidden, if any) from the virtual motor (ISO charge mounted drive) to your memory card. Your bootable Windows memory card is now ready.

Install Windows from micro SD Memory Notice

  • Connect the bootable store card to your Microcomputer which you would like to install Windows from the bootable memory card.
  • Hinge on the PC.
  • Boot into BIOS Beaver State UEFI.
  • Go under the boot order/antecedency to bootable from memory card/USB.
  • Restart the PC by pressing any key to boot from CD/DVD substance on the test.
  • Press any key to begin loading necessary files and installing Windows OS.

If your bootable remembering card doesn't show in the BIOS/UEFI, that means your PC doesn't support booting from a memory card, you can insert the already prepared memory card back into your phone, associate the phone to your PC using a supported cable then restart your PC to boot and install Windows.

That's it!

Can I habit an SD identity card as a Winchester drive?

Au fon, yes – you can use an SD card as a hard push back on your Windows 11/10 information processing system. An SD card is a more portable "hard drive" than those found inside of or attached to computers. A Fortified Extremity card (SD) is for all intents and purposes a hard drive. Mounting an SD calling card on a computer to use as a Winchester drive requires that it is formatted so the operating system butt recognize it.

How do I use my SD card American Samoa external entrepot?

To pass wate an "interior" SD card take-away soh you can remove information technology from your twist, direct over to Settings > Storage & USB, tap the device's make, tap the menu button, and tap "Initialise as man-portable." This will erase the table of contents of the SD card, but you'll equal able to use of goods and services it as a portable device afterward.


Obinna Onwusobalu, has unnatural Information & Communicating Technology and is a keen follower of the Windows ecosystem. He runs a computer software clinic. He says information technology's best practice to make over a Organisation Restore Point before making whatsoever changes to your Microcomputer.

How to Install Windows 11 from micro SD Memory Card
